Whenever you are contemplating any major work within your home there is always one burning question? What is the work going to cost? and can I afford to pay for any work to be done?When the real question should be can I afford NOT to do this work.
Home Improvement Loans Available
Fixed Priced Boilers – subject to your existing boiler having a round flue, gas pipe being of the correct size. Assuming a close proximity to a soil / waste gully or waste pipe, (Used for the disposal of the condensate from the boiler). CONTACT THE OFFICE FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTE
Power Flush (excluding VAT)From – £250 (5 radiators)
Annual gas service (excluding VAT)From £48 including CP12 safety certificate (boiler) – (discounts offered to landlords / letting agents / estate agents with large property
portfolios – contact us for more details)Condensate pipes (excluding VAT)From – £50 (lagging only – does not include pump or trace heater)
Plumbing – Offering competitive prices for all your plumbing works.
Are you unsure of the problem, do you have a project in mind? Just complete our ‘Ask the Expert’ page for a free quote and survey