Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year 2019

Did your boiler barely make it through the winter of 2018? Do you need a boiler service, repair, or replacement? 2019 is here now, so make TLC for your boiler your New Year’s resolution and ensure a Happy New Year 2019. (more…)

How To Prevent Frozen Pipes This New Year

How To Prevent Frozen Pipes This New Year

When the temperature drops in winter, pipes can freeze and even burst! This can cause serious damage to your home and belongings. Read our ‘How To Prevent Frozen Pipes This New Year’ article to ensure you don’t start the new year disastrously and have a happy new year instead… (more…)

Dealing With Heating Loss This Christmas

Dealing With Heating Loss This Christmas

If you have lost your heating this Christmas, follow our checklist in our ‘Dealing With Heating Loss This Christmas’ article below to help you identify the problem.  (more…)

How to Prepare for Bad Weather

Prepping Your House For Winter

Prepping your house for winter is essential each year and our home maintenance checklist will help you to make sure that when the cold weather arrives, your home is as cosy as it can be. (more…)

What Can I Do If My Radiator Is Cold At The Top

What To Do If Your Radiators Are Cold

If your radiators are not heating up properly, it could indicate a more serious problem with your boiler. Read our article about what to do if your radiators are cold for more help and advice… (more…)

Things To Check Before You Turn On The Central Heating

Things To Check Before You Turn On The Central Heating

Now that winter is here, many will be having a debate between putting on another jumper, or giving in and putting the heating on. After your boiler has hibernated through the summer, it might not be ready for working in winter.  To make sure that your boiler works as it should, here are some things to check before you turn on the central heating: (more…)

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